Drainage and Asphalt Repairs, Warehouse District
- Large-scale horizontal project to provide asphalt, drainage, and ditch repairs along 2,000 LF of Patrol Road in the NAS Jacksonville Warehouse District
- Featured milling and paving; grading 7,000 SY of ditches; installation of filter point fabric formed grout; repair, refurbishment, and replacement of concrete storm drain headwalls; and landscaping and site restoration
- Repair/replacement of three parking lots totaling 47,475 SF including demolition of existing parking areas; replacement of reinforced concrete pipes and ditch bottom inlets; grading, sub-grading, and installation of base for new parking areas; installation of 21 landscape islands with 4,260 SF of sod and live oak, southern magnolia, and sycamore trees; S-1 asphaltic cement paving; striping for new parking spaces; and 4,700 LF of 24” curb and gutter, 1,800 LF of 3’ valley gutter, 1,800 LF of 6’ sidewalk, and six flumes
- Resolved stormwater and wetlands issues by researching, coordinating, and facilitating discussions between the US Navy and the St. Johns Water Management District